February 15, 2025

The 22/23 season is almost upon us!

  • Memberships – Membership is open to complete online on our webpage or print and send in. We have a new feature online where you can pay after you complete the application form. In the “Thank You” page you can click on the link which will take you to our Square payment page. If you have an opportunity to complete your memberships early. We rely on funds to help the club as we do trail maintenance for the next 3 months.
    • Membership is required if you plan on volunteering in the trails for trail work. It is required by our insurance company that you are standing member.
  • Donations- Any donations are greatly appreciated. Fuel prices, supplies and materials have gone up including parts for the groomers and the mechanic labor to repair them. Anything you can donate to the club is greatly appreciated.
  • Trail Work –  We have started to put out dates on our new “Events Calendar” on the web page and facebook. If you plan on helping on any of the current dates that are out over the next 2 months, please RSVP by sending us an email at ride@cnhsc.org. or on the facebook page.
  • 2023 NHSA Super Raffle – We just received 40 tickets for the NHSA Super Raffle. If you are interested in purchasing any, please reach out to us by email at ride@cnhsc.org and/or DM us in facebook. Tickets are $20 a piece donation for the club.
  • Website Updates –  If you have not done so already check out the new updates to CNHSC.org. We gave it a new facelift and hope that you like the updates.
  • Sponsorship – If you are interested in being a club sponsor please reach out to our Treasurer at treasurer@cnhsc.org. We have 2 packages that we are offering for businesses at Gold $250 and Platinum $500 packages. The advertisement sponsorship donations will be good for 2 years.

Any questions or comments please reach out to us at ride@cnhsc.org.