March 12, 2025

We are planning to go out on Saturday October 28th and November 4th. (Weather permitting)

If you plan to volunteer for any trail work, PLEASE join our club beforehand. Our club insurance company requires an active membership for any volunteers doing trail work should there be any related injuries. All memberships expire each year on June 30th. All ATV’s and UTV’s must be currently registered.

Trail work duties including but not limited to:

  • Clear brush so we maintain a trail width of around 14-16′
  • Repair culverts, clean culverts so water does not dam up.
  • Repair any loose boards on bridges etc. 
  • Clear all down trees. (Must have chaps and helmet if using Chainsaw)
  • Repair signage as needed.
  • Install hazard fencing as needed
  • Stack firewood in the warming hut
  • Last on the list will always be placing rubber belting to railroad bridges on Corridor 11 once club gets notified to do this. Further date down the road.

Please meet at Dirt Designs for 8AM
RSVP is always encouraged so we know what is needed for trail lunches
As of right now, weather is calling for rain all day. Watch for cancellations on Facebook and website in the even we cancel.