Well, it’s a late season post and not one we would like to post this early before end of season. All trails are currently closed. Unless we get a #MiracleinMarch, then they will remain closed for remainder of the 23/24 season unless you hear from us otherwise.
March 9th 2024 Cookout is CANCELLED.
We want to thank all of our volunteers who helped with parking and those that donated food during our annual Antique Track Driven Machine Show on Feb 24th. We wish we could thank you all individually but it’s just too many. We had an ARMY of Volunteers and donations. It was a complete success!! We saw the most machines at the show with 51 Groomers, 17 Model T’s and 13 snowmobiles. The event held by our sponsors at Dirt Designs raised over $3,000 for Boy Scouts Troop 58.
We want to thank our club sponsors, Dirt Designs and Med Urgent Care. Thank you for your support to CNHSC!