Based on the lower elevations in Campton and Thornton having nearly no snow to get to the trails that do have snow, we have suspended grooming operations until we get more snow. At this time, we are not recommending anyone to ride the trails until you hear from us further.
It’s not the information we want to post in the middle of February. However, mother nature really did a number on the lower elevations last weekend.
We are hoping to get snow in the extended forecast for our annual “Antique Track Driven Machine Show” that will be held on Saturday February 24th from 10am – 3pm. We are looking for volunteers to assist in parking for the event. We are also looking for food donations for the Boy Scouts to serve food for donations toward the Boy Scouts. Food donations like crock pot meals work best. However, any donation of food would be greatly appreciated. If you can donate anything please let Dean ad Duane know at Dirt Designs (603) 726-3166 or you can send us a note on Facebook or email at Ride@CNHSC.org.
This weeks trail report is brought to you by our friends and sponsors at Panorama six82 at Owl’s Nest and NH Stamping Company. Thank you for being sponsors to the club!