Had a great time this past weekend working on 152 towards 155 by Bog Road. Rerouting the trail so the trail is not crossing landowners front yard right at the intersection. Wanted to say thank you to those landowners for allowing us to do a re-route.
We are continuing trail work every Saturday from now until the season begins. Still have plenty to do including trail cut back, replacing a bridge on 152 and prepping the rubber belting once corridor 11 opens for us to work on. Only Saturday we will not be having a trail work party is Saturday after Thanksgiving. Please reach out at ride@cnhsc.org or Facebook page if you would like to come out work on the trails with us, we could always use the help.
News heading into last weekend from NHBOT. Registration free weekend for NH & Maine is March 4th – 6th 2022. Vermont announced over the weekend that their free registration weekend will be on February 4th-6th, 2022.
We are currently planning dates for the Club ride, Antique Tractor show and Club barbeque starting in January. Dates to follow with another email later this week.
Here are some pics from the past weekend, thank you to all who helped out!