March 11, 2025

Central New Hampshire Snowmobile Club Trail Groomers

We currently have 11 volunteer Operators. They have attended Groomer Operator training classes and spend many hours of “seat – time” working their magic. We also have several volunteers that ride with the Operators at night and assist in downed trees, trail maintenance at night. Please respect the time and energy they put into making the trails smooth for everyone’s enjoyment. We have 3 powerful grooming machines which are a 2009 Pisten Bully Trail with 8ft Mogul Master Drag, 2014 Pisten Bully Trail with 9ft Mogul Master drag and a 2001 Bombardier BR- 180 with and 8ft Drag. Our operators and mechanics who volunteer their time to keep the trails in top condition for our riders and are dedicated to maintaining approximately 90 miles of snowmobile trails.

SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEERS and MECHANICS who work the nights and the hours to maintain the CNHSC Groomers and trails during the season.

Trail Operators / Groomers
Duane Johnston
Dean Johnston
Shane Johnston
Valerie Johnston
Ted Johnston
Cory Hilton
Tim Grace
Nathan Grace
Chris Donahue
David Uhlman
Ray Johnson

Groomer Mechanics
Dave Uhlman
Ray Johnson

Drag Maintenance
Jay Wagner
Jack Toomey
Jay Guimond