Trail Updates:
We had some very large turnouts for the last few weeks for trail work party’s. A lot accomplished with new rubber over all the railroad trestles on Corridor 11. We had teams cutting the rubber, transporting the rubber and laying the rubber. It took a village, but out members and volunteers did not disappoint. This weekend we will be working on a bridge rebuild that was partially funded by the Bureau of Trails Grant In-Aid program. We have some snow in the forecast this weekend and are hoping for a good base with the snow that is on the way. We are itching to ride just as much as you, but we will not open the trails until we are ready to do so. Please respect our landowners and stay off the trails until we make any announcements.

2022 Memberships
We take pride in our trails and the effort it takes to maintain them. We hope that you do as well and that you enjoy CNHSC trail system. Membership dues assist us before the season starts for equipment, hardware and groomer maintenance. Thank you for your continued support to the Club!
Here are some pictures of last few weeks of trail work: