Trail Work Update:
- We’ve started off strong for fall cleanup. We have not had as many downed trees and cut back like we thought. We worked from 152 Chandler Hill South and 157. With the wind last night, we might eat our words. Upcoming trail work for this weekend, Saturday November 11th 8am-3pm. Meet at Dirt Designs. (Happy Veteran’s day to all of our Veteran’s!)
- We have trail work scheduled for this weekend, Saturday November 11th 8am-3pm. Meet at Dirt Designs. (Happy Veteran’s day to all of our Veteran’s!)
- We’ve had our first snowfall! It’s that time to join if you have not done so. We have linked our page to the NHSA website to make it easier to join and receive your membership for registration.
Some pictures from last weekends cleanup on portions of 155N and 157 below: