The season is almost upon us! Next Saturday, October 16th, will be our first weekend to start clearing trails from what the offseason and mother nature decided to leave us!
Things we expect work on over the next several work parties heading into the season:
- Downed trees
- Brush cutback
- Cutting rubber belting for the the railroad bridges.
- Replace/rebuild a 35 ft bridge on Trail 152
If you would like to participate and volunteer with us in the trails, we’ll be meeting at 8am at Dirt Designs, 73 Laundromat Road, Thornton, NH.
** Important** If you bring a UTV or 4 Wheeler to use to work on the trails during work parties, it must be registered.
If you would like to volunteer please email, or on our website at You can also communicate through our facebook page as well.
Thank you!