March 12, 2025

*Trail Report*

Trails are still in good-great conditions. We received 3-4″ of new snow today. Will be a little dirty snow around Route 3 and 49 but overall still good coverage. Corridor 11 is showing rails, especially in areas with dominant sun and no shade. Please use caution when riding Corridor 11. Trails are still looking great for the CNHSC club Cookout on Saturday March 1st.

This week’s trail report is brought to you by our friends and sponsors of Sunset Grill. Also a big shout out to the Sunset Grill for donating burgers and dogs for this weekends cookout! Thank you!!!

*** Parking Announcement***

We are excited to announce that CNHSC President Nate Grace and Trail Admin Duane Johnston, worked in partnership with NHDOT, have been able to approve a new parking area for CNHSC. Below you will see the new parking area, extended across from Gearty Way at the corner Rt 49 and Owl St. Please follow the instructions below based on arrow marks, whether head in or back in parking (Based on your trailer skills, LOL) No sled should go towards I93 South off ramp at Exit 28, fencing as marked. All sled traffic should direct towards Corridor 11 or 152.

NH Antique Track Vehicle Show

We had our biggest turnout yet!! Thank you for all who came out or donated time and food and supported us for BSA Troop 58. The show raised $3,805 for the Troop.